Lymphatic Drainage Cupping
Before we talk about cupping and what that is. We first need to understand what the lymphatic system is and how it helps our body function.
1) The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells and waste products, throughout the body. In other words, it is part of our immune system and helps fight infections. Some examples are colds, virus, Covid-19, bacteria, fungus, parasites, and things like cancer just to name a few.
2) It acts like our bodies' "garbage disposal system" by ridding our bodies of toxins, waste, excess hormones, chemicals and unwanted materials through vessels and nodes in the lymphatic system. These things are then taken to the liver for processing and the bowel and bladder for elimination.
3) The lymphatic system helps keep the body healthy by eliminating infections and diseases.
3) Helps maintain our bodies' fluid levels.
4) It connects all the body parts by taking the waste products from all the systems helping the body to eliminate them.
The Lymphatic System
As you can see the lymphatic system is everywhere in the body and helps and protects the entire body. Our bodies are amazing machines, but every machine can get bogged down or clogged with things like stress, excess hormones, swelling, injuries, medications, sedentary lifestyles, environmental exposures, tight muscles, scar tissue, toxins and the process of elimination slows down or causes stagnant lymph fluid. The lymphatic system has difficulty moving fluid out of the body when the fluid becomes too thick and limit or hinder lymph movement, potentially resulting in edema and a buildup of toxins and/or waste products in your tissues. That is where lymphatic drainage cupping comes in and assists the lymphatic system by moving stuck fluid in the tissues and directing it towards the drainage system.
The cups help lift vs compress the closed valves that allow the lymph to drain out of the tissues. By using lighter cupping technique, the cups have to the ability to pull the stuck waste materials out of the tissues and into the lymphatic drainage system. When the cups are given guidance or directional flow, they can used to guide the lymph fluid into its natural pathway.
Things where we need to be cautious with lymphatic cupping:
People on blood thinners
Pregnancy (no cupping over the abdomen)
Chemo and radiation treatments and Cancer in the last 2 years (because the cupping is so strong and effective it brings those chemicals back out to the surface)
Lymphedema related conditions should be referred to a manual lymph drainage specialist (because the cupping is too strong for this condition)
These cups gently and comfortably lift the skin and help move the fluid holding the toxins, waste products, hormones, ect., out of the tissues and into the drainage pathway. This is not the type of cupping you see on the Olympic athletes with all the cup marks on their backs. You may see some cup marks on the skin after the lymphatic drainage cupping but that is not the goal. The goal is to help your body move the fluid out of the tissues and into the lymphatic system for processing and elimination along its natural pathway.
Things Lymphatic Cupping can assist with:
Improve circulation
Improve natural lymphatic drainage
Promotes stomach flushing
Toxin removal
Hormone regulation
Sinus Drainage
Boost Immune function
Brain Fog
Swelling of the body
Sore Muscles (great after a strenuous workout)
Chronic colds or infections
Gas and Bloating
Puffiness around the eyes
Dry and wrinkled skin
· At least 48 hours in between treatments
· At least 72 hours after the start of a cold/illness
· Consider a treatment series for cumulative results, 3-4 weeks at once/week.
What to expect after your Lymphatic Cupping Sessions (according to Modern Cupping Therapy Education Company): Everybody responds differently, however the following suggestions will help ensure that you feel your best! Lymphatic cupping therapy bodywork is beneficial to both your physical body and your overall well-being. During this process, it is imperative for you to take care of yourself after your session.
· Hydration is very important when receiving any bodywork, especially lymphatic drainage cupping therapy bodywork. Cupping pulls water from deeper cellular tissue spaces up to the surface tissues. Because of this process, hydration needs to be replenished when lymphatic drainage cupping therapy work is applied. Furthermore, drinking extra water afterwards help flush internal toxins that have been released back into the circulation from within the body’s tissues. It is recommended that hydration is maintained during until urine output is clear or pale in color.
· Limit physical exertion of activities such as exercise for at least two hours after your session, as cups alter the natural state of the soft tissues. Individual time responses may vary.
· Monitor tissue exposure to extreme temperatures of hot and cold for at least two hours after your session, as cups may alter one’s internal battery temperatures or leave tissues hypersensitive. Individual time responses may vary.
· Post treatment recommendations are offered to ensure optimal results with any bodywork.
· Some may feel tired and lethargic, while others may feel energized and revitalize! If you should have any further questions following your session, please be sure to contact Pam Gatewood MPT, PT. 303-710-8210 or email: